Tempdrop, Daysy & BBT Fertility Awareness Method Apps

With the advent of technology, various fertility awareness apps have been developed to help individuals track and monitor their basal body temperature and menstrual cycle. These apps can help you make empowered and educated decisions about your menstrual, hormonal, and reproductive health! So, what is the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM)? Is Tempdrop or other apps good options? What are the potential health impacts of hormonal birth control?

Keep reading to learn more about the ins and outs of basal body temperature and hormone health! Let’s chat about fertility!

Basal Body Temperature Apps

Note: This article contains affiliate links, meaning In On Around will make a small commission at no additional cost to you. This helps us maintain the site. As always, we value full transparency & only work with brands we love and trust.

Author: In On Around Founder & CEO, Catherine Power.

Article medically reviewed by: Dr. Ana Engelhardt.


  • There are a number of different ways to track your fertility window and menstrual cycle. 
  • Best Brands = TempDrop, Daysy

Table of Contents

What is the Fertility Awareness Method?

The Fertility Awareness Method, also known as FAM, is a way to learn about your body and its menstrual cycle. It helps you predict your high and low fertile days.The first step to getting pregnant (or avoiding pregnancy) is properly understanding your fertility!

Were you taught in school that you can always get pregnant? Many of us were! It’s simply not true. In fact, you can only get pregnant, on average, about 5 to 7 days per cycle. [1] Fertility awareness has been used for centuries as a form of birth control and menstrual planning, for this reason.

This form of Natural Family Planning can be a great option, along with other non-hormonal birth control methods, to track your cycle and prepare/prevent conception.

You can only get pregnant about 5 to 7 days per cycle. [2]

Different Forms of FAM

There are many different natural family planning methods, such as:

  • Tracking your menstrual cycle length (Calendar method or Rhythm Method)
    • This is when you track your period regularly on a calendar.
    • It will take several cycles to start seeing a pattern, especially if you have an irregular period or recently came off hormonal birth control.
  • Reading your basal body temperature
    • Tracking your basal body temperature changes throughout your cycle. You can do this manually on paper or use a phone app to keep track and manage data!
  • Checking changes to cervical secretions (cervical mucus method, Billings Ovulation Method® and Creighton Model)
    • When checking cervical secretions, right before ovulation the mucus with be wetter, slippery, and clear. After ovulation, it can become thicker and sticky. This is your body’s natural way to help promote conception.
  • Using ovulation tests or LH urine tests (Marquette Model)
    • Ovulation predictor kits measure luteinizing hormone (LH) levels throughout your cycle
  • Checking cervical position
    • This involves checking the position, firmness, and openness of your cervix, which changes throughout your cycle. This is a much more invasive method.

When different methods are combined, it’s called the Sympto-thermal Method. The most accurate results can be achieved by incorporating basal body temperature, cervical mucus tracking, and the calendar method together.


What is Basal Body Temperature?

Basal Body Temperature, also known as BBT, is the lowest temperature attained by the body during a long period of rest. It can be measured in a number of different ways, such as orally, vaginally, rectally, or under the arm.

Typically, BBT trackers take your temperature immediately after waking up (even before you get out of bed or sit upright). It’s the first thing you’re supposed to do, otherwise, the results can be impacted.

BBT = temperature of your body when completely at rest

How Does BBT Work?

Our BBT naturally fluctuates as we move through our cycle, however, these changes are very small. Like fractions of a degree! This is why basal body temperature thermometers show two decimal places – unlike most thermometers which only go to one. They’re more sensitive to temperature changes to track the slightest increase or decrease.

Typically, your body is about 96°– 98° Fahrenheit before ovulation. You can see a slight dip in temperature right beforehand, which can be tracked on your BBT chart. After you ovulate (typically around day 14 of your cycle), your temperature goes up to about 97°–99°F – this is due to the increase in progesterone.If it stays elevated for more than 14 days, you could be pregnant. If you’re not pregnant, BBT will begin to drop again as you near menstruation.

Usually, you’re most fertile about 5 days before you ovulate, the day of ovulation, and about 2 days after ovulation (although less likely). A released egg usually lives only 12-24 hours; however, sperm can live up to 6 days in the uterus. Tracking your BBT helps you to know exactly when you will likely ovulate!

The below chart explains it well with a 6-day fertile window:

TempDrop Basal Body Temperature

Photo from Tempdrop

Are FAM & BBT Effective?

Fertility Awareness Methods are about 77-98% effective, depending on the specific method used. It can be as effective as hormonal birth control if done properly and consistently.

When you combine BBT with other methods (Sympto-thermal Method), like tracking cervical mucus fluid, it can be 99.6% effective with perfect use, or 98.2% effective with typical use. [3]

Another 2019 Swedish study says that BBT alone can be 90-95% effective. [4] To put that into perspective, male condoms are about 98% effective with perfect use and 87% effective with typical use. The pill is about 99% effective with perfect use and about 93% effective with typical use. [5]

Fertility Awareness can be as effective as birth control pills if done properly.

Are There Side Effects to BBT?

No, there are no side effects to tracking your basal body temperature (woohoo)! It’s highly affordable and a great way to become more in tune with your body’s natural cycles.

Keep in mind, only using basal body temperature as a form of birth control is not 100% effective (like most birth control methods) and it won’t protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Doubling up on methods can increase your protection. If you have an irregular menstrual cycle or you forget to take your temperature, the BBT method could be inaccurate and lead to an unplanned pregnancy.

If you’re unwilling to use alternative forms of birth control or avoid intercourse during your fertile window, the BBT method will not be effective.

Understanding your BBT helps to connect with your body’s natural hormonal fluctuations.

What Can Impact Your Basal Body Temperature?

There are a couple of things that can impact your BBT, such as:

It’s essential to keep these factors in mind, especially if you’re relying on basal body temperature as a form of birth control.

What's the Most Efficient Way to Track BBT?

The answer is… it depends. It really depends on the person and their lifestyle. The vaginal and rectal methods are considered to be the most accurate, as they measure the temperature closest to the source of ovulation (the ovaries). Frankly, these methods can be really invasive… who wants to do that?! Not me.

Oral and wrist (or arm) methods measure temperatures that are influenced by other factors such as room temperature and physical activity, however, they can still provide accurate results. Yet, a 2018 study found that wrist wearables are more efficient in capturing body temperature changes with the menstrual cycle. [6] Another 2021 study showed that wearable basal body temperature thermometers, like on the wrist, are more sensitive with a higher true-positive rate for detecting ovulation. [7]

Do we know 100% for sure what the most effective method is? Not quite, studies are split – so take all of this with a grain of salt.In general, no form of birth control prevents pregnancy 100% of the time. It’s best to use the same method every time for consistency and to get the most accurate results, but (as always) speak with your doctor.

Other Forms of Contraception - Pill, IUD & Side Effects

Birth control refers to the various methods used to prevent pregnancy. There are several different forms of birth control available, including hormonal methods, barrier methods, injectables, and intrauterine devices (IUDs), among others. Each form of birth control has its own unique benefits, risks, and effectiveness, so it’s important for individuals to consider their options and choose the method that works best for them. Understanding the potential side effects is key!

The birth control industry is a booming business, with over 12 BILLION dollars in revenue. [8]

Birth Control Side Effects

Hormonal birth control, such as the pill, is a popular method of preventing pregnancy, but it can come with a very long list of potential side effects.

The pill can potentially lead to:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Bloating
  • Nutrient deficiencies (especially in long-term use)
  • Increased risk of blood clot or venous thromboembolism (VTE)
    • This can increase 3-9 times the normal amount! For women under thirty, the risk is increased thirteen-fold! [9, 10]
  • Mood swings & emotional imbalance
  • Depression
  • Irregular bleeding
  • Increased risk of stroke
  • Increased risk of heart attack
  • Does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • Weight gain
  • Reduced libido or sex drive
  • Can interact with other medications
  • Dangerous for those with certain medical conditions

… and much more. About 300-400 healthy American women die every year from birth control pills. [11] To put that into perspective, 45 people died in 2017 from meningitis and there is a US vaccination mandate for schools. [12]

Birth Control Pill = Class One Carcinogen

The hormonal birth control pill is classified as a Class One Carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. [13] The birth control pill isn’t empowering – it’s setting women up for disease!

Oftentimes, doctors will prescribe the hormonal contraceptive pill to teenagers if they complain in the slightest about irregular periods, cramps, heavy bleeding, acne, and more (even if they’re not sexually active). Here’s the catch: the pill does NOT FIX imbalances.

Prescribing the pill without first evaluating the root cause of symptoms harms a woman’s long-term health. It can conceal endometriosis, PCOS, ovarian cysts, and more… where symptoms will present again the instant they stop taking hormones… oftentimes even worse. It’s, frankly, medical negligence and contributes to preventable infertility.

Not to mention, most women aren’t informed of the potential side effects or that there are serious black-box warning labels on many of these medications.

I recommend watching The Business of Birth Control. It’s completely eye-opening!

IUD Side Effects

Want to swap from the pill to the IUD? Well, there are some other major side effects to be aware of, such as:

  • Severe pain or discomfort during insertion or removal
  • Irregular bleeding
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Cramping
  • Back pain
  • Spotting between periods
  • Increased risk of perforation of the uterus
  • Risk of the IUD becoming expelled from the uterus
  • Risk of infection
  • Increased risk of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID – if you have a history of STIs
  • Dislodged (rendering it ineffective)
  • Changes in menstrual patterns

The IUD is not necessarily a better option! As always, talk to your naturopathic doctor or physician to discuss the pros and cons. If your doctor is bullying you to go on the pill or IUD, find a new doctor.

What About the Copper IUD?

The copper IUD is hormone-free, so it must be better… right? Not quite!

The copper intrauterine device is used to create an inhospitable environment for sperm, making it less likely for fertilization or pregnancy. While the copper IUD doesn’t contain any hormones, it can still impact hormones. Copper has an affinity for estrogen, meaning when estrogen rises, serum copper levels rise. [14] If you have too much copper, it impacts your thyroid function and can lead to estrogen dominance.

In addition, copper is antagonistic to zinc, meaning they both compete for absorption. If you have too much copper, you might not be absorbing enough zinc, which is essential for ovulation and immunity. Additionally, the Copper IUD can lead to copper toxicity in some women, which can cause a host of issues like kidney damage, liver damage, depression, cramping, and more.

Lastly, the presence of a foreign object in the uterus can trigger the release of certain hormones, such as prostaglandins, which play an important role in regulating the menstrual cycle.

Clearly, the copper IUD, while “hormone-free,” isn’t side-effect free.

Understanding your menstrual health is a journey of self-discovery, wellness, and personal growth.

Menstrual Cycle

Photo from Clue

The Menstrual Cycle - Explained

Let’s chat about the magical rhythms of the female body! The Menstrual Cycle is broken up into four unique and important phases.

  1. Phase 1: Menstrual
    • Days #1-7 of your cycle
    • This is when a period (bleeding) takes place
    • Your hormones are low during this time
    • Day #1 of your cycle is the first day of your period (the cycle restarts at the start of your next period). This is your “kick off” point.
  2. Phase 2: Follicular
    • This is the time between bleeding and ovulation
    • Days 7-10 (on average)
    • Your estrogen levels are slowly rising during this phase
  3. Phase 3: Ovulatory
    • This is the fertile portion of period (so proper protection is important!). Remember: you cannot get pregnant if you’re not ovulating.
    • This phase lasts for about 3-4 days
    • Your estrogen and luteinizing hormone reach their peak
    • You may also experience an egg white “mucus” or discharge during this time
    • Once you ovulate (usually on day 14), your basal body temperature starts to rise
  4. Phase 4: Luteal
    • This is the time between ovulation and your next bleed
    • Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are at their lowest levels at the end of the phase
    • Unfortunately, this is the time where you may experience PMS symptoms (no fun!)
    • This phase lasts for about 10-14 days

To learn more about cycle syncing your workouts & diet, check out: Cycle Syncing Workouts & Seed Cycling Chart.

Fertility Awareness Tracking

The Best Fertility Awareness Method Apps

These options can only work if you’re NOT on hormonal birth control, taking any hormonal treatments, or experiencing symptoms of menopause. Over the course of the past two years, I’ve only personally tried three of these methods (Tempdrop, Daysy & regular BBT thermometer), but there are plenty of other options on the market.

Find the thermometer that’s right for you! You want to use the thermometer consistently, otherwise, it won’t show accurate results. Let’s dive in…

This is my favorite method! This discount link saves you 10% off Tempdrop! Tempdrop is a wearable axillary thermometer that goes on your inner arm, right below the armpit.It’s worn right below the armpit on the upper arm. It sits right on the soft skin between your bicep and triceps.

It tracks your body temperature throughout the night (or day, if you’re a shift worker). I love this method the most because it’s the easiest to use and I can use it consistently without issue.

They use a robust temperature sensor to take thousands of measurements during sleep. It analyzes when you’re the most restful during the night and uses that temperature for tracking. You don’t have to worry about waking up at the same time every day to take your temperature – you can sleep in on the weekends and your readings won’t be impacted! It’s also available on Amazon.

Pros Cons
– Hormone free
– Very easy to use & stay consistent
– Doesn’t need to be used at the same time daily
– Easily syncs to phone
– Great for those who wake up in the middle of the night (like mothers, night workers, interrupted sleepers)
– Only emits EMF when syncing to the app
– Offers both free and premium app versions
FSA & HSA eligible
– 1-year warranty
– Costs over $190+
– Need to sync to phone every 3 days, otherwise you will lose the data
– Can be difficult to put on if wearing tight clothing
– Can be difficult to find the button to turn on
– Need to replace the coin cell battery (lasts up to 6 months)
– Takes 60 days to get a most accurate read [Update: this was removed in December 2022]– Can be impacted by heat, sickness, etc…

Is Tempdrop Worth the Money?

Yes, in my opinion, Tempdrop is certainly worth the initial investment. It’s extremely easy to consistently use, even if you’re sleep is interrupted. It’s an excellent option for those who don’t wake up at the same time every day or if you’re working late at night!

I also own a Daysy and like it! There are certain pros & cons you should be aware of. It can be another easy-to-use hormone-free method of birth control if you prefer an oral thermometer. It’s an effective way to track fertility status and manage contraception!

This discount link saves you $20 off Daysy. It’s also available on Amazon, if you don’t want to buy from them directly.

Pros Cons
– Hormone free
– Easily syncs with the Daysy app
– Claims 99% accuracy based on clinical trial [15]
– Based on over 5 million menstrual cycles
Chargeable battery
– Offers a DaysyDay Partner app so your partner can see an overview of your cycle for pregnancy planning
– Robust customer support
– Costs over $250+
– Can be more confusing to get used to (you’ll need to learn what each light means)
– Takes longer to take temperature (1+ minute)
– Must be used first thing in the morning, before getting out of bed
– Since it’s an oral thermometer, it needs to be regularly cleaned
– Need to sleep for 3+ hours before measuring

3 - Natural Cycles (via thermometer or Oura Ring)

Natural Cycles was approved in 2018 as the first-ever FDA-cleared birth control and contraception app! Many people love Natural Cycles because it is a hormone-free, app-based form of birth control that is convenient, easy to use, and provides accurate results!

Natural Cycles allows women to take control of their reproductive health and better understand their menstrual cycle and fertility. According to the company, with typical use (not perfect use), the app is 93% effective, which is on par with hormonal methods. It can be 98% effective with perfect use.

Pros Cons
– Hormone free
– Only emits EMF when syncing to the app
– Can be connected to Oura Ring
– Can detect when you’re sick and exclude the temperature data
– About 93% effective with typical use
FSA & HSA eligible
– Costs $350+ if using Oura Ring with small monthly fee
– Costs $99+ if using thermometer with annual subscription
– If using the oral thermometer, it needs to be regularly cleaned
-If using the oral thermometer, must be used first thing in the morning, before getting out of bed

4 - Lady-Comp

Lady-Comp is a popular oral basal body temperature thermometer among users due to its reliable results. The thermometer provides clear and accurate readings, making it an effective tool for tracking menstrual cycles and monitoring fertility. [16] That being said, there are quite a few cons, which as listed below.

Important note: The Daysy and Lady-Comp are owned by the same company, Valley Electronics. They likely use the same, or a similar, algorithm!

Pros Cons
– Hormone free
– Claims to be 99% accurate using over 107,000 cycles
FSA eligible
– Get results right on the device
– No companion app that goes with the device
– Costs $395+, sometimes up to $500 (very expensive)
– Takes longer to take temperature (1+ minute)
– Must be used first thing in the morning, before getting out of bed
– Since it’s an oral thermometer, it needs to be regularly cleaned
– Need to sleep for 3+ hours before measuring
– Need to replace the battery (lasts up to 6 months)

OvuSense is popular since it measures ovulation with “99% accuracy.” They claim that it’s been tested and proven to work in over 186,500 cycles. While it tracks continuous basal body temperature, this isn’t my favorite option – here’s why:

Pros Cons
– Hormone free
– Will notify you of missed ovulation
– Can be helpful to those with PCOS
– Has significant clinical proof of accuracy [17]
– Stores up to 30 days of data
FSA & HSA eligible
– Need to insert into the vagina (which is invasive)
– Increased risk of toxic shock syndrome (TSS), much like tampons, which shouldn’t be worn overnight [18]
– Made of silicone (a form of plastic)
– Pay a monthly fee of $35+ or $399 for lifetime access (can be expensive)

Regular basal body temperature thermometers are affordable and accessible, yet have some specific pros and cons. The cons can very much depend on the specific brand of BBT thermometer you purchase (there are a TON on the market!)

Pros Cons
– Hormone free
Inexpensive (most affordable)
– Available at drugstores
– Very easy to use
– Need to manually input all temperature readings
– Don’t usually store temperature recordings
– Can be inaccurate, depending on the brand
– Typically need to replace batteries
– Must be used first thing in the morning, before getting out of bed
– Takes longer to take temperature (1+ minute)
– Since it’s an oral thermometer, it needs to be regularly cleaned
– Need to sleep for 4+ hours before measuring

There are many, many other options on the market, like Mira, Ava Wrist Thermometer, Kegg, Kindara, Clue, Inito, Glow, and more.

Final Thoughts: Fertility Awareness Method Apps

Clearly, there are many drug-free methods you can use to track ovulation and hormonal changes. Consistency and accurate tracking is key. While it can be a lot of work to track your cycle regularly, the work is well worth it!

Learn to celebrate and embrace your menstrual cycle!

If you’re really trying to avoid pregnancy, it’s best to use a second form of birth control (like condoms), especially if your BBT tracking isn’t consistent or accurate. Keep in mind, that most of these fertility awareness methods haven’t been studied in extreme depth or detail. The research is limited, yet convincing – so take it all with a grain of salt and use caution. Speak with your doctor – what works for one person, may not work for another! You know yourself and your habits the best.

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Tempdrop Review

Do you use any of these apps?

Let me know your thoughts and key takeaways in the comments below!


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Copyright In On Around LLC 2024 ©. The statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided by this website should not be used as individual medical advice and you should always consult your doctor for individual recommendations and treatment. The information contained in this site is provided on an “as is” basis. Related to this site, there are no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness, or timeliness. In On Around LLC assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this site.

Frequently Asked Questions - Fertility Awareness Method

Click on the below FAQs to learn more about Tempdrop review etc…

Fertility Awareness Methods are about 77-98% effective, depending on the specific method used. It can be as effective as hormonal birth control if done properly and consistently. When you combine BBT with other methods (Sympto-thermal Method), like tracking cervical mucus fluid, it can be 99.6% effective with perfect use, or 98.2% effective with typical use.

Yes, environmental factors, like room temperature, and illness can potentially affect basal body temperature readings.

No, there are no side effects to tracking your basal body temperature (woohoo)! It’s highly affordable and a great way to become more in tune with your body’s natural cycles.

Yes, certain medications can affect basal body temperature readings. If you have recently come off of hormonal birth control, this can also impact your BBT readings.

About Catherine Power

Catherine Power is the Founder and CEO of In On Around. She is a Harvard-educated Ingredient Safety and Environmental Toxins expert. Catherine has a background in Food Science, Personal Care Quality, and Regulatory Compliance.

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