DUTCH Test Review – Hormone Testing For Women

The DUTCH test is gaining popularity online amongst the functional medicine and holistic health communities. It’s an alternative option for hormone testing for women at home. To get the full experience, I paid $500 to take the test. So, was it worth the money? Are the results legit? How does DUTCH compare to other hormone […]

Best Non-Toxic Natural Hairspray Brands (For 2024)

Natural Hairsprays

Want to tame your frizz and hold your curls without toxic chemicals? Yeah, us too. What are the best non-toxic natural hairspray brands? What ingredients should you look for and avoid? Does organic hair spray work?

Mycotoxin Testing from Mold Exposure – MycoTOX Profile

Mycotoxin Testing

Have you ever wondered if mold is the root cause of your health issues? Well, I was curious too, so I wanted to test out one of the most popular home testing kits for mold: the MycoTOX Profile test. This test evaluates the number of mycotoxins present in your body. So, is mycotoxin testing from […]

What Is A Certificate of Analysis (COA)?

What is a Certificate of Analysis

Knowing what’s really inside our everyday products goes beyond just reading ingredient labels and the packaging. In fact, a Certificate of Analysis (COA) can help to spill the secrets of what makes up our favorite items. What is a Certificate of Analysis? How do you request one from a brand? What should you look for? […]

Lead & Heavy Metals In Cacao And Cocoa

Heavy Metals In Cacao

Beneath the surface of your favorite cocoa creations lies a hidden truth: heavy metals. Recent reports are showing that there are high levels of heavy metals in cacao – so, what’s that all about?! What are the best brands with the lowest amount of heavy metals like lead and cadmium? We’re peeling back the layers […]

20 Ways To Reduce EMF Exposure From Bluetooth, AirPods & More

Is Bluetooth Safe?

In our modern, tech-savvy world, Bluetooth devices and AirPods have become staples in our daily routines. However, alongside the convenience of these wireless wonders comes the growing concern about exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). In this comprehensive guide, we’ll discuss over 20 ways to reduce EMF exposure! Keep reading to learn more about EMFs. Whether […]

Best Eggs To Buy: Pasture-Raised, Free-Range, Or Cage-Free?

Are Eggs Healthy?

Are you feeling a bit scrambled when it comes to egg choices? From pasture-raised to free-range, cage-free, and organic, it can be very confusing when trying to figure out the best eggs to buy. What’s the difference? What’s the healthiest egg option? Whether you’re an eggs-pert or a newbie, let’s get cracking and dive into […]

Pregnancy Glucose Test Ingredients & Natural Alternatives

Glucose Test Ingredients

Hey there, mamas-to-be! Pregnancy is a very exciting time, but it also comes with some not-so-fun stuff like swollen feet and bizarre food cravings. And now, you get to add one more thing to the list: the glucose test. This simple test helps to see if you have gestational diabetes, a type of diabetes that […]

Top 3 Sea Moss Gel Brands With Health Risks & Benefits

Sea Moss Gel Benefits

You may have tried seaweed in your local sushi joint, but have you tried sea moss? Sure, it doesn’t sound like the most appetizing thing to eat… but sea moss gel has a surprising amount of potential health benefits! That being said, there are some important potential side effects that you should be aware of. […]

Ultimate Guide To Low-VOC, Non-Toxic Flooring

Non-Toxic Flooring

While home flooring is easy to overlook, it’s a key component in creating a healthy indoor home environment. With new floors being a significant investment in your home, it’s crucial to opt for non-toxic flooring options that won’t harm your loved one… especially if you have kids or pets who spend a lot of time […]

What Is Proposition 65 In California? Prop 65 Explained

Proposition 65 In California

Have you ever noticed those “Prop 65” warning labels on some of your favorite products? You know, the ones that caution you about potential exposures to certain chemicals? Well, today we’re diving into this regulation – the good, the bad, and the ugly. Should you worry about Proposition 65 in California? What does this label […]

How To Improve Eyesight – 13 Natural Tips For Better Vision

How To Improve Your Eyesight

As we age, it’s natural for our vision to change over time. What once was easy to see, may now require reading glasses or contacts for driving. It’s a natural part of life, somewhat influenced by genetics. Fortunately, there are natural ways to enhance your vision and maintain healthy eyesight. Want to know how to […]